Information Document HSE 282/28, recommends that RPE Fit Testing should only be conducted by a trained and competent person. To be competent, the fit test operator should have adequate knowledge and have received adequate instruction and training.
Course Summary
Recent research indicates that up to 50% of all RPE used does not offer the wearer the level of protection assumed and one of the major reasons is that it simply does not fit! Yet, under the regulations RPE must be correctly selected and this includes, for many types of RPE, a face piece Fit Test conducted by a trained and competent person.
The training includes:
- The Selection, Use and Maintenance of RPE (1 day course only)
- Background to Face Fit Testing
- Legislation and Guidance, HSE282/28 (1 day course only)
- Set-up of Equipment
- The Sensitivity Test
- Fit Test Protocols
- Pass Levels
- Practical face fit testing
- Troubleshooting & Problem Solving
- Fit Test Failures and Re-Tests
- Planning & Managing a Fit Testing Program (1 day course only)
Please note: that RPE should be selected, maintained and used by trained and competent people, it is the employers responsibility to ensure compliance with this.
With this in mind if you are testing people it is also important to train them in the use, fitting, maintenance of RPE etc. If you are unsure of how to do this then you will need to attend the 1 day course.
On completion of the course you will receive a certificate of training (on the 1 day course bearing the fit2fit logo, which is emailed in a PDF format), an individual training record (to provide proof of training) and a comprehensive set of course notes for each trainee.
Candidates will be required to bring their own RPE to this course.
This course is for trainees who want to undertake their own face fit testing programme. This course is conducted by an experienced, competent fit2fit accredited assessor.
What is Fit Testing?
Fit Testing is a method for checking that a tight fitting facepiece matches an individual’s facial features and can provide an adequate seal to the wearer’s face.
What is the reason for Fit Testing?
The performance of tight-fitting facepieces depends on achieving a good contact between the wearer’s skin and the face seal of the facepiece. As people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes it is unlikely that one particular type, or size of RPE facepiece, will fit everyone. Inadequate fit will significantly reduce the protection provided to the wearer. Any reduction in protection can put the RPE wearer’s life in danger or may lead to immediate or long-term ill health.
What are the legal requirements for Fit Testing?
The COSHH Regulations reg.7(1), The CLAW Regulations reg.6(1), The CAW Regulations reg.10(1)(a) place the duty on the employer to prevent the exposure of their employees to hazardous substances; where prevention of exposure is not reasonably practicable, the employer must reduce it to the lowest concentration reasonably practicable by means other than the use of RPE.
If, despite the use of suitable control measures (i.e. other than RPE) adequate control of exposure cannot be achieved, employers must provide suitable RPE (COSHH Regulations reg.7(3)(c), CLAW Regulations reg.6(3)(c), CAW Regulations reg.10(4)). The RPE provided must reduce the exposure to a concentration that is as low as reasonably practicable, and in any case below any applicable exposure or control limits.
The ACOPS 1, 2, 3, 4 supporting the COSHH, CLAW and CAW Regulations recommend that the initial selection of tight fitting facepieces should include a fit test. This is to ensure that the selected RPE has the potential to provide adequate protection for the wearer (L5 para 148, L27 para 79, L28 para 81 and L132 para 133). The circumstances where repeat fit testing is needed are referred to in L5 para 149, L27 para 80, L28 para 82 and L132 para 134.
The employer must have documented evidence of the characteristics of the RPE to be used (CAW reg.7(3)(d)). Similar requirements are described in COSHH reg.6(4), and CLAW reg.5(4). These requirements are there to ensure that the RPE provided is suitable. The evidence to support the suitability will include fit test reports for facepieces with tight-fitting face seals. Fit test records should be retained by the employer and must be kept available for inspection on request.
Do I need to pay for my training before I do it?
Yes you do, you can pay online when you book your course, or call 0845 872 3411 and pay with a credit card over the phone. Customers with credit terms, please call Training Plus to book your course on 0845 872 3411.
Are there any car parking spaces available?
Yes, there are a lot of FREE car parking spaces available in the area.
Am I going to feel safe during my course participation?
Beside the fact that our staff and the environment of the school will make you feel happy and safe, CCTV is operating in most of the school’s areas.
I’m getting on a bit, is it like going back to school and will I feel out of place?
Not at all. A large percentage of our learners are mature students simply keeping up to date with current standards. Everybody is made to feel welcome in the centre.